March 2023

Dear Members,

Please consider this as an ‘interim’ e-News  -  in that we haven’t any news of real import at the moment, but we do expect to be able to feed more through once ANZAC Day has passed.

We are very mindful of the ongoing difficulties  -  and that’s hardly the appropriate word to use  -  in light of what thousands of people have gone through weather-wise from the North Cape down past Auckland.  It certainly has been hard to watch and completely understand what so many families, home-owners, business-owners and individuals have been through in the last few weeks.  We look on with great concern indeed, and hope you have not personally been affected  -  although we do know that former Vice-President Chris Mullane’s home in Devonport has been flooded again!  Our sympathies to Chris.

The Society’s AGM is set for Wednesday 29th March 2023 at the Auckland War Memorial Museum at 5.30pm.  Formal notice will be circulated later this month.

Within the next few weeks we expect to see the revamped and updated Passchendaele website live on the web. It will be easier to navigate and easier to read. You’ll find it interesting to read various stories about a number of our soldiers who died and who survived.  If you have a story about a family member, and a photo, we will be happy to receive them.

Best wishes,

BOB DAVIS,  President